Owner/Executive Direct Coaching
Leadership Guidelines for Success

Owner/Executive Coaching is a one-on-one engagement with the principal(s) of the business.  These typically are focused on one or two areas of the business where the principal does not have experience or is struggling with implementing a solution.  Executive Coaching is also used to help accelerate the company’s growth and ensure your growth objectives are met.
Our consultants work with the management team and staff of your company in order to enhance your company’s processes and procedures within the sales, service and administration functions of your company in order to drive more profits to the bottom line, increase productivity, enhance customer satisfaction and increase overall company efficiencies.
We will put together a list of priorities you feel need to be addressed immediately. We then employ a process to establish action plans for you to implement followed by a constant review by both of us to ensure those action plans are being implemented.
Coaching is distinct from consulting.  Coaching is the art of understanding where the business owner wants to go and guiding them along the way to the solution.  It also provides the accountability that most owners don’t have.
Here are some questions to ponder.  If you answer yes to them, then consider an Executive Coach:
  • Do you want to grow and do you understand how to grow?
  • What is your growth goal for 2018?
  • Do you know what your service margin is?
  • How do you invest in your staff?
  • How do you invest in yourself? 
  • What is holding you back from investing in yourself?
  • Do you work ON the business or IN the business?
  • How much longer until you want to exit the business?
  • Do you need advice from someone you can trust?
  • Do you have a grasp of your financials?
  • Do all of my employees know exactly how they are being measured?
  • Do business systems support corporate objectives?
  • Do we have an effective and relevant budget process?
If you would like to speak with someone directly about Taylor Business Group’s Direct Coaching, please contact Dennis O’Connell at (331) 251-1278, or email Dennis at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Taylor Business Group has been a leader in the IT industry for almost two decades. As evidenced by clients who represent nearly $400,000,000 in annual revenue, Taylor Business Group has developed the metrics and methods that drive business success. The average Net Operating Income (NOI) for our members has increased by four percentage points in their first two years. This translates to an extra $40,000 of income for every $1,000,000 of top-line revenue for our members. That's over $16,000,000 of additional real profit created annually!