Dennis Hunter
Executive Business Coach, Taylor Business Group
Dennis Hunter joined Taylor Business Group (TBG) in 2010 and currently moderates 8 groups including business owners and service managers. Prior to joining TBG, he was director of the Xscend division of NCM Associates from 2006 – 2010 as well as an Executive Conference Moderator.
Dennis' career spans over 25 years with experience as a Certified Public Accountant and business owner. He spent 6 of those years as a CPA with the international accounting firm of Ernst & Young. His involvement as a 20 Group member began 15 years ago, as a business owner, where he was a member of the 'True Profits Group' for 10 years.
His membership in that 20 Group initiated his aspiration to join NCM as a Moderator after selling his technology business. With the 20 Group contacts made throughout his business relationships, he has developed a cadre of diversified peer performance groups. Dennis was the Owner/President/CEO of Missouri Information Systems in Kansas City, MO, until 2005.
Dennis has a distinct focus on growing TBG's Business Improvement Group memberships. This is displayed with the current multifaceted groups he has moderated while at NCM and TBG. Those groups include such businesses as:
  • Information Technology Providers
  • Office Machines/Furniture/Supplies
  • Better Business Bureaus and their Operations Managers
  • Compact Equipment Dealers
  • Motor-Coach Owners and Franchisees
  • Water Machine Dealers
  • Water Purification Suppliers
  • Residential Furniture Dealers
  • Garden Retailers
  • Assisted Living Center Owners
  • Chauffeured Transportation Operators
Dennis will challenge and assist your business growth utilizing his wisdom and past experiences. Dennis has also served on several non-profit boards as Chairman of the Business Technology Association, Local Area Network Dealers Association and Genesis School, an intercity Charter School. With his financial, business, and business ownership expertise, groups will maintain confidence that his moderating practices will facilitate group knowledge exchange of key performance indicators and best practices.

Taylor Business Group has been a leader in the IT industry for almost two decades. As evidenced by clients who represent nearly $400,000,000 in annual revenue, Taylor Business Group has developed the metrics and methods that drive business success. The average Net Operating Income (NOI) of our members has increased from under 8% to over 12%. That's over $16,000,000 of additional real profit created annually!