Contact TBG Today
So We Can Help You
Identify MSPs
That Are Looking to
Buy Your Business

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about you and your company below
so that we may contact you.

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Please enter your Job Title.

Please enter your Company Name.

Please enter your Website URL.

Please enter Years in Business.

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Please enter your Top 5 Vertical Markets.

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Please enter Number of Endpoints.

Please enter your Current Accounting Tool.

Please enter your Current PSA Tool.

Please enter your Current RMM Tool.

Please enter your Annual Revenue.

Please enter your NOI Percentage.


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How Taylor Business Group Can Help You Find the Right Buyer

When you are looking to sell your business, there are three major considerations: 1) The Money; 2) Your employees and 3) Your clients. What the buyer is going to do in each of these three areas is crucially important in your decision to sell.

And finding a good company to purchase your business is never easy. IT Business Owners can’t put a FOR SALE sign on your front door hoping your competitors would make you an offer. That would be disastrous.

The MSP Connection is a secure environment where IT Business Owners can express their interest in exiting their business. We then look at a number of variables to see if there is a match.

A few of these variables include:

What do you want to do after the sale?

  • Exit completely, i.e. show me the money.
  • Stay for a transition period. This is usually associated with earn-ups and performance spiffs associated with your existing client base.
  • Become an employee. You started this business but realize you just don’t like being an owner. You want someone to purchase your assets so you can go back to being an employee.

What you need in order to be financially independent based on the exit strategy you choose. Items that come into consideration include:

  • Your age.
  • How much money you need to “retire”.
  • How many partners / investors are involved.
  • Are there outstanding liabilities the buyer or you will need to settle?

Matching the right culture both from an employee perspective and also your clients' perspectives.

Our Process Is Simple, Transparent, and Successful


  • We know the two principles we are bringing together. We have interviewed them and we know what each one is trying to achieve.
  • We are looking at the benchmarks of each company to understand how the two organizations will fit together. What are your strengths and weaknesses? From our experience, we then know how to advise both parties.
  • We understand the process. LOI, LOU, Offer Letter, Legal Contracts. All these items are important steps but if you have never gone down this path, they can be very confusing and complicated. We help you navigate the process.


  • We will always be open with you. We will always answer your questions. We will always provide you with the best advice possible. This is our promise!
  • We charge a single flat fee of 1% to 3% based on the transaction value size. This is paid at the time of closing.
  • We know the members of TBG to match, and have the best connections within the MSP Community.


  • Most companies want to maximize their selling value. Most companies are not doing what they need to do to maximize their selling value. We offer assistance to help you meet your goals. Sometimes this is improving benchmark results. Sometimes this is helping with your contracts. And sometimes this is working with your personnel.
  • We help you understand the efficiencies you can gain.
  • By being an independent entity, we can offer both parties advice on how to successfully complete the transaction.


Taylor Business Group has been a leader in the IT industry for almost two decades. As evidenced by clients who represent nearly $400,000,000 in annual revenue, Taylor Business Group has developed the metrics and methods that drive business success. The average Net Operating Income (NOI) for our members has increased by four percentage points in their first two years. This translates to an extra $40,000 of income for every $1,000,000 of top-line revenue for our members. That's over $16,000,000 of additional real profit created annually!