How to Grow Your MSP Practice with *Demonstrably* Comprehensive Security
Demonstrate Your Holistic Security Prowess to Win New Business and Command Better MRR
Date:  July 26th, 2022
Time:  2:00pm ET / 1:00pm CT / 12:00pm MT / 11:00am PT
Presented by:  Cam Robertson, VP Sales & Marketing, Beachhead Solutions
Every MSP and their client is rightfully concerned about the catastrophic effects of a ransomware event—I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know (or that news headlines haven't continued to reinforce). I suspect you’ve done everything possible to protect yourself and your clients against this risk. You have solid BDR, you've mandated employee training, and there are EDR/XDR tools in place in your stack.’re done, right?

One of the biggest security concerns around ransomware isn't an attack itself—it's that MSPs are increasingly overfocused on ransomware to the detriment of securing against myriad other everyday risks (many far more likely than ransomware) that their clients face.

Nefarious insider risk, lost and stolen computers, compliance violations, and poor user security hygiene are threats NOT covered by BDR, or EDR, or XDR, or [insert the industry's new acronym du jour here]. BeachheadSecure for MSPs® is the best built-for-MSPs PC, Mac, smartphone, and USB device solution that delivers not just encryption, but uniquely enables MSPs to have granular access control over compromised devices.

It allows MSPs to have this granular access both manually and automatically. Yes, I said automatically. The platform's new RiskResponder® capability enables you to demonstrate exactly how you will automatically respond when a risk is triggered, whether that's invalid login attempts, a geofence breach, network-borne attacks, and much more. Preset, customizable responses that you can show clients exactly what will happen...if and when something does. This webinar will show you how to demonstrate your holistic security prowess to win new business and command better MRR with healthier margins.

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This webinar was hosted at ZOOM Webinars.